BY: ROBERT DOWNS Private detective Casey Holden has just gotten back from a vacation of fun in the sun when he gets an unexpected visitor, Felicity Farren. Her husband was killed two years ago, and the local cops have let …Continue reading →
BY: ROBERT DOWNS Lynette Sommer ends her carefully calculated PowerPoint presentation in the Hancock Tower with a pink slip shoved across her desk and a standing order to vacate the premises immediately. Richard Lancaster, III, races through The Pru with …Continue reading →
BY: ROBERT DOWNS Elisha Crimson thought her wedding day would be the happiest of her life. But losing her fiancé to two thugs in a dark sedan wasn’t part of the plan. She, along with the rest of the wedding …Continue reading →
BY: ROBERT DOWNS Professional gambler, Johnny Chapman, plays the hand he’s dealt, but when he’s dealt a series of losers, he decides to up the ante with more money than he can afford to lose. Just when he thinks his …Continue reading →
BY: ROBERT DOWNS Charlottesville, Virginia, Police Detective Luke McGinty has a closet filled with demons, along with a few skeletons; a steady job, but no steady partner or girlfriend; and is still married to his wife Sallie, even though she’s …Continue reading →
Robert Downs aspired to be a writer before he realized how difficult the writing process was. Fortunately, he’d already fallen in love with the craft, otherwise his tales might never have seen print. Originally from West Virginia, he has lived …Continue reading →
BY: ROBERT DOWNS To Veronica Baird, escaping from an underground dungeon and racing through the woods, is anything but convenient, even as her captor in rubber mask attire proves rather persistent in his continued pursuit. Despite her apparent independence, she …Continue reading →