BY: GISELA WOLDENGA Maestro Daniel Abogado is a successful and sought-after conductor. Music is his life, although it involves hours of travelling from city to city and lots of time poring over scores of classical music. Tragically his wife of …Continue reading →
Gisela Woldenga was born in Oldenburg, Germany, on July 21, 1934. As soon as she could read she started to write: little poems and fairytales. She still has some of them. When she finished high school, she started working in …Continue reading →
BY: GISELA WOLDENGA Maestro Daniel Abogado is a successful and sought-after conductor. His life is music, and his recent marriage to Elvira Torres, a talented cellist in his orchestra, makes him feel complete. Especially so, since they are awaiting the …Continue reading →