BY: JOHN S DANIELS Jason and Philip have just celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary. They have a four-year old daughter and the perfect marriage. Then Philip is tragically killed in an automobile accident. As Jason struggles to deal with the …Continue reading →
BY: REBECCA MARKS It is 1967. Bostonian John Griffin has been discharged from the US Navy, and he’s ready to start a job as a policeman in Washington, DC. His father died when John was very young, and his mother …Continue reading →
BY: BERTHA CONNALLY ABRAHAM Adam and B. J. grew up in the turbulent 1960s. The Vietnam war, unsettling riots across college campuses and unrest in just about every corner of America filled them with gloom. Even at home, they faced …Continue reading →
BY: E. LESSLY TAYLOR What do you do when you finally find that person—the one who reaches so deep into your soul you fear the loss of your own identity? And once you’ve found each other is there any outside …Continue reading →
BY: K K WILLEY Through three generations in Colonial America, the women of the LeSage family show a rare strength and courage. Anne, a wild spirit, plots treason against the Crown, constructs secret passageways, and leads an adulterous life. After …Continue reading →
BY: HEIDI SPROUSE You met Casey and Emmett Henry in A Man of Few Words—now see where it all began… On a cold winter night, Casey Mitchell leaves her stalled car in the middle of a blizzard and heads for …Continue reading →
BY: BERTHA CONNALLY ABRAHAM Dr. Lydia Giddens has taken an oath to do no harm. But now she stands in the shadows of her success, wondering if honoring her profession is even possible. Surely, her family doesn’t expect her to …Continue reading →
BY: JESS LEE JALAO Tristan falls into the grip of despair and alcohol abuse as the result of betrayal, eventually understanding that his relationship fallout might not be the root cause of his demise. Before this unsurmountable pain, he is …Continue reading →
BY: HEIDI SPROUSE On a blustery winter’s afternoon, Casey Henry discovers her father-in-law’s journal concealed in a cedar chest and shares it with her husband, Emmett. They sit together on their bedroom floor, mesmerized. Jackson Henry might have been a …Continue reading →
BY: INES RODRIGUES Felipe Navarra rises from poverty to conquer São Paulo, Brazil, the city he loves. He becomes a radio celebrity in the age of Bossa Nova, classic sambas, and radionovelas. On his way to fame and fortune, he …Continue reading →