BY: LAURA ELVEBAK Matt Langdon has it all. A beloved son in college. An ex-wife who understands him. An exploration business in oil and gas which has shown a profit. Then, suddenly, his investors back out, and he faces bankruptcy. …Continue reading →
Laura Elvebak sometimes feels she has led several lives, but throughout the years her passion for reading and writing has never faltered. Before the twenty-something years she worked for lawyers and oil and gas executives, she held a variety of …Continue reading →
BY: LAURA ELVEBAK After five years of being the traveling companion and lover of a secretive man thirty years her senior, Erin Matthews fears his increasing paranoia. At age twenty-two, Erin escapes to a new city, determined to survive with …Continue reading →
BY: LAURA ELVEBAK When two young runaways break into a wealthy man’s home, with horrific consequences, ex-cop and teen shelter counselor, Niki Alexander, comes to their defense. She soon discovers their motive had been to uncover a crime more heinous …Continue reading →