BY: ROB SILVERMAN To find yourself, you must be lost. Pike Graves, a former boxer who suffers thanatophobia—fear of death—has done everything right. Degree from an Ivy League university, respectable job with a reputable newspaper, and always helping others. He …Continue reading →
BY: ROB SILVERMAN A bomb rocks West Hollywood. And with that, LA joins the brotherhood of American cities hammered by the harsh fist of terrorism. A dozen murdered and numerous injured, including Frank Grace, a cop with a checkered past …Continue reading →
BY: ROB SILVERMAN Nick Garrison had two goals in life. He longed to survive high school and then quickly flee the dead end town in western Pennsylvania to pursue his dreams across the country. Never looking back, he says farewell …Continue reading →
Born and raised in New York City, Rob Silverman had two childhood dreams. One was becoming a published author, the other was to play right field in the majors. Well, he ended up batting .500. His writing career officially launched …Continue reading →