Cast loosely in the mold of such hard-boiled detectives as Sam Spade and Phillip Marlowe, Joe Gold is an old-fashioned kind of guy, adrift in a modern world he doesn’t fully understand, full of characters he understands all too well. Times may change, but people don’t. And being Jewish is just another hurdle.

Down on his luck and behind on his rent, he’s approached by his old mistress, Maureen, now married to the corrupt mayor of Central City, with a serious problem. Their daughter, seventeen-year-old Julie who has no idea that Joe is her real father, has been abducted from her summer camp in a blackmail attempt of some sort. Before she can give him any important details, Maureen is murdered, and Joe is left on his own to put together all the pieces of the puzzle and rescue his daughter. Complicating matters, it appears that someone is out to kill him too.

Threading the dangerous needle that takes him through the seamy underbelly of Central City and Mayor Bill Wagner’s corrupt administration proves to be a real challenge, and he’s totally unprepared for what he finds at the end. The surprises don’t end there, however, as he discovers in his next two cases: a man who believes he’s a vampire, and another who purveys murder through the comments sections of a newspaper. Through all this, he’s aided by Jenny Martin, his long suffering business partner and Girl Friday, who struggles to keep him on an even keel—and alive.

TAYLOR JONES SAYS: In Pure Gold by Theodore Druch, Joe Gold is a private eye down on his luck. The author takes us through three of Joe’s cases: the murder of the mayor’s wife and the kidnapping of a seventeen-year-old girl; a murderous cult of vampires, or those who think they are; and a murderous blogger who selects his victims based on the comments section of a newspaper’s blog—cases that take Joe to within an inch of his life.

The book is well written, intense, and compelling, and the author uses humor to break the tension in just the right places. A really great read.

REGAN MURPHY SAYS: Pure Gold ~ Three Cases of Gold by Theodore P. Druch is the story of Joe Gold, a Jewish PI, down on his luck and struggling to pay the bills, who has a propensity to get cases that threaten his life. When the corrupt mayor’s seventeen-year-old daughter, Julie, is kidnapped, her mother, Maureen, hires Joe to rescue her since she doesn’t trust her husband to do anything about it. Since Julie is really Joe’s daughter from an affair he had with Maureen before she married the mayor, he is highly motivated to find her. But before Maureen can give him any more details, she’s murdered, and Joe is left to ferret out the clues on his own, with the help of his able assistant, Jenny. Joe and Jenny take on two more cases as well—one in which a man who thinks he is a vampire is accused of murder and his parents want Joe to clear his name, and the other in which Jenny’s cousin is murdered by someone using a newspaper blog to select victims.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Druch has a wry sense of humor that is both natural and subtle, giving extra depth and character to the story. With wonderful character development, intriguing mysteries, and plenty of surprises, Pure Gold is one you will want to read again and again, just for the “pure” enjoyment.