Regan hails from the state of Hawaii and has always loved to read. For as long as she can remember she has taken refuge in books, whether because she was happy and reading pleased her, or because she was sad and needed an escape. When she moved to the mainland after graduating from college, Regan began reviewing books as a guest reviewer for a number of different blogs. She ran her own review blog for a while, but she found it took too much time away from her reading to manage a blog. So she went back to guest reviewing and also began reviewing for several East Coast newspapers. She came to Black Opal on a referral from a blogger who knew her work and could attest that the reviews she gave were honest and well thought out. Today, in addition to reviewing for BOB, Regan still sends in reviews to a number of review blogs and newspapers. When she is not reading and/or reviewing books, Regan spends her time sewing for her children and assorted clients and substitute teaching.