One of eleven children, and with a twin sister, Carrie Quesne was born and raised in Peterborough, England, and soon after moved with her family to the iconic seaside town of Brighton.
Ever since childhood, she has always had a vivid, flyaway imagination and not quite known what to do with it. What ignites her imagination the most is her love of horror movies, which she stumbled across in her early teens.
Quesne would say that her passion for writing began at school when she first allowed her imagination to take form on paper. It is only now that she has truly decided to take the leap into publishing her stories.
Amongst many others, Quesne counts James Herbert, Peter James, Stephen King, and Clive James as some of her all-time favourite authors and hopes to follow in their footsteps in creating dramatic, thought-provoking stories.
When she doesn’t have her head in a book, she counts baking as her favorite hobby and often bakes for her extremely large extended family.