BY: GEORGE KAPLAN Leaving her sham of a marriage after twenty years, Tookie is thrown back into the dating game. Then her new boyfriend dies of cancer, and she’s desperate to keep her job, the only thing in her life …Continue reading →
BY: GEORGE KAPLAN Mothering her brothers wasn’t enough, Tookie wants a child of her own. After “auditioning” numerous men—one date at a time—all of them fail the test. Frantic, with her biological clock ticking down, she accepts a blind date …Continue reading →
BY: GEORGE KAPLAN Mary Louise, a bookish, redheaded, freckle-faced, eighteen-year-old virgin, who is unaware she has Asperger’s Syndrome, dispenses with Tim, her loving but far too serious and conventional high school boyfriend, then thrusts herself, groin first, into the 1960s …Continue reading →
After a career of chasing, and being chased by, spies and assorted thugs across national monuments while being mistaken for Cary Grant, George Kaplan hung up his shoulder holster and used the money to buy a computer to serve as …Continue reading →