A resource guide for helping children develop and utilize their powerful intuitive abilities.

Developing superpower skills is not only possible but it is something all humans once knew how to do. Training your child to do this will enhance his or her life in unimaginable ways. This book shows you how to look at the mind as an untapped resource, our greatest asset, and invites you to take a different view of our innate mental powers. What you discover may alter the course of your life and the way you perceive and interact with yourself and your children.

TAYLOR JONES SAYS: In Children Who Know How to Know, Elly Molina explains techniques for developing and using ESP, or “intuitive abilities.” The book takes us through how a brain develops and works, and then give activities and exercises for developing the natural innate psychic abilities that everyone is born with. Then it goes on to talk about learning to trust these abilities once you have developed them.

Although fairly short, the book is packed full of good information that everyone can use. Whether you want to develop your own psychic abilities, help someone else to do so, or simply learn more about them, this book is an excellent resource.

REGAN MURPHY SAYS: Children Who Know How to Know, A resource guide for helping children develop and utilize their powerful intuitive abilities by Elly Molina is an instruction manual for teaching yourself and your children to develop and use intuition, or psychic powers, which the author believes are dormant in all humans. Whether she is right or wrong, the book is an excellent resource for understanding how the brain works as well as ways to make it work more effectively.

Giving us both the science behind her theories, as well as practical exercises and activities to make them easy to apply in your own life, Children Who Know How to Know is an excellent resource guide and a very thought-provoking read.


“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift
and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors
the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
~ Albert Einstein

This is a fabulous time in history to be a child. Children in the Western world have the highest literacy and survival rate since the mid-1990s. In 2014, more US citizens enrolled their children in alternative, prestigious, private schools than ever before in the history of US education, and parents use new approaches to disciplining their kids. Mindfulness and yoga practices appear more and more in both public and private education. In 2014, Brown University broke new ground by offering a major in Contemplative Studies, the first in North America. As of this writing, more than twelve major universities offer a BA, MA, or PhD in Contemplative Studies. Contemplative Studies “looks at how we think about the world and how we think about thinking.” This curriculum spearheads a new approach to education. More schools than ever before now teach children an “I can do it” attitude.

A century ago, people read approximately fifty books during their lifetime. Today, parents invest more in their children’s development and education than at any time during the last one hundred years. Today, we witness expanding consciousness, as ideas, once considered fantasy and science fiction, become real, radically altering the future for our children. At no other time since the birth of the European Enlightenment do so many children have opportunities to learn how to develop their intuitive and psychic abilities. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, only three TV shows addressed the topic of psychic or supernatural powers: The Twilight Zone, One Step Beyond, and Alfred Hitchcock. In the last decade, by contrast, hundreds of movies feature psychic powers, and countless TV series feature psychics, mentalists, and extraordinary phenomena.

While intuition and psychic abilities gain widespread popularity in mass entertainment, the surge of interest in intuitive and psychic ability means that fewer people regard these “paranormal” abilities as just the stuff of fiction.

Remember Robert A. Heinlein’s novel, Stranger in a Strange Land? His main character, Valentine Michael Smith, the orphaned son of the first astronauts to explore Mars, learns to have full control over his mind and body. When he finds himself back on Earth, US Government agents attack him and, in self-defense, he sends them into a fourth dimension.

When I read Heinlein’s book, I wondered: What if we could learn to do this and could we teach it to children? The question prompted me to explore my own psychic abilities.

I believe we all once knew how to use telepathic and telekinetic powers (both as young children and historically in the early days of our species), but we lost these abilities during some sort of “dark age.” However, today, as more and more people open up to the possibilities of intuition and paranormal powers, a “new renaissance” of interest in these phenomena spreads in the mainstream. Developing these natural innate abilities signals the emergence of a new consciousness.

In a way, this book documents my personal journey, beginning as a highly intuitive and psychic child. Like so many other well-intentioned parents, mine invalidated my intuitive and psychic abilities. I overcame self-doubt, and embraced my intuitive knowing, only as an adult.

As an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, I knew I was onto something when I observed non-English-speaking children telepathically communicating with classmates during English lessons. I developed simple telepathic games to teach English to non-native speakers. Years later, while teaching Language Arts in an inner city public school, I taught positive thinking while working on vocabulary and spelling. I wove intuitive development into the standardized curriculum. My students used their intuitive abilities to access knowledge that already existed within them. Their self-confidence increased. They changed their approach to life and learned to accept responsibility for their actions, all helping to create an environment of achievement and excellence. By 2007, my students had achieved exceptionally high test scores; my first practical hands-on training program for intuition in an educational setting had begun.

Part of the NYC middle-school enrichment program, I named the training “The Power to Create.” Each session lasted three months. I met weekly with twenty seventh-graders for two hours. As the program gained popularity in the school, the kids began using new vocabulary and produced results. They practiced creating and achieving clear goals, learning to be mindful of the power of their words and their personal beliefs about themselves and the world.

I also introduced a concept of “seeing without eyes,” a basic form of remote viewing. Let’s look at what this means: remote viewing (formerly known as “clairvoyance”) refers to the ability to perceive distant objects without the use of our eyes. This ability can be learned by anyone, and those who practice it regularly, often experience increased success.

After practicing remote viewing, one surprised and satisfied seventh grader, Alan, exclaimed: “It was crazy! I put the blinders over my eyes. First, I couldn’t see nothing (sic), then I could see where the objects were on the table. I could ‘see’ what some of them were, even though I had my blinders on. It was freaky! Then I started to really like it. I felt smart. I felt confident. I felt good!”

As the students’ accuracy increased, so did their self-confidence in their abilities to achieve higher school grades and to do better work in their classes. Their results continued to amaze me, and my passion for this work grew stronger with each workshop.

In 2008, I left my teaching position in New York City and ventured forth, looking for a place to teach children how to use more of their minds–without limitations or fear of backlash from the establishment.

About forty-minutes southeast of Olympia, Washington, tucked away in a small, remote town nestled among one-hundred-year-old Douglas firs, I found a wonderfully unique opportunity: a small private school, among the avant-garde of an emerging paradigm that aimed to create conscious, mindful human beings.

Throughout the school-day, the children incorporated variations of mindfulness. They learned to master tasks and learn through focused and directed attention. We worked collaboratively to enhance concentration, innovation, “knowingness,” and genius (using more of your mind creatively). Our mindfulness exercises taught children how to adapt, change, and develop their brains to achieve a heightened state of awareness.

It is amazing to witness what happens to children when they learn they are responsible for their own behaviors and responsible for their words and actions. Following the exercises, these children were noticeably kinder, gentler, and more loving toward each other and their environment. As we explored the power of mindfulness together, we also included psychic and intuitive development. Working with these children, ages three to twelve, I began to develop a passion and, later, an ability to teach psi-development.

Five days a week, at approximately nine-thirty a.m., a group of twelve young children sat in a semicircle on a blue carpet in their classroom. After reviewing the days of the week and the weather, they sat “crisscross applesauce,” (also known in yoga as Easy Seated Pose or the Sanskrit: Sukhasana) with their tiny fingers in what I called the “Zoot” position (the first three fingers of both hands intertwined) and silently waited for me to begin some extraordinary work.

I gave each child a pair of black eye shades (the kind you get on an overnight flight) to place over their eyes. In their safe and private darkness, they primed their minds for the journey about to unfold. Over the past few months, they had practiced visualization, telepathy, telekinesis, and remote viewing–all part of their “Morning Mindfulness” program at this alternative private school, along with regular breathing exercises and learning the art of being present.

Teaching children to develop their visualization and telepathic abilities is easy and natural. I learned this working with them daily. As you read on, I’m sure you will realize how simple it is, too. Occasionally, I’m asked, “Why get children to practice this work? What practical applications can it have?”

My response: For one thing, it teaches patience, focus, and concentration. It teaches confidence and responsibility. Children gain self-confidence while growing up, knowing they can access more of their mind to make choices and decisions more easily–based on a trained and familiar knowingness and trusting the accuracy of their intuitive judgments.

The children I work with learn to use more of their minds and use them more creatively. After a few sessions doing this work, children easily performed remote viewing exercises (astonishing to observers unfamiliar with such things). I have seen children predict events with eerie accuracy, turn on flashlights using only their minds, and perform other kinds of telekinesis (mind moving matter). By no means should the children who attend my classes and workshops be considered unique, extraordinary, or precocious. Like other average children, they excel because of their willingness to explore and play “outside the box.” Every child, teen, and adult has these abilities. We are born with them, and it is up to us to either use and develop them, or allow them to remain dormant as untapped possibilities.

I believe when we begin to develop and use our psychic abilities, we are naturally drawn to doing good and creating peace and unity. As we continue to learn and use increasingly sophisticated technologies, we need, more and more, to teach our children to trust their intuition to make decisions for themselves in all aspects of their lives. Likewise, we adults need to trust our own intuition to know when we can trust others with our children in social settings, and, more generally, to know which policymakers and politicians we can trust to have our best interests at heart.

For the most part, our culture marginalizes and even pathologizes intuition and the development of “super powers.” The media, both news and entertainment, spreads the myth that psi abilities lead to evil and destruction. Contrary to common themes in science fiction, I believe that, as we develop intuitive awareness, we also grow in desiring unity and peace. Accessing and using psychic and intuitive abilities increases our conscious awareness and opens us up to an alternative future rather than the one we create by default. Psi abilities promote consciousness and bring us closer to peace, love, joy, and abundance.

I recently had the opportunity to speak with sixty middle school children, and asked: “If you could have one superpower which would it be?”

Overwhelmingly, they responded “telepathy” and “psychic ability.” I wasn’t surprised. It inspired me to write this book. When we, teacher and pupils, combine telepathy or some other psychic ability with mindfulness and responsibility, I find that many classroom problems disappear and new conversations focus on compassion and shared responsibility. When we express compassion, responsibility, and intuitive awareness, we raise our emotional intelligence. Recent research published in Psychological Science, indicates that higher levels of emotional intelligence dramatically improve decision making (Yip and Cote, 2013).

To sum up: Developing superpower skills will enhance your child’s life in unimaginable ways. For those of you curious enough to begin, I suggest a basic introduction to developing your and your child’s intuitive abilities.

This book shows you how to look at the mind as an untapped resource, your greatest asset. I invite you to take a different view on your innate mental powers and to journey with me through the following chapters. What you discover may alter the course of your life and the way you perceive and interact with yourself and your children.

I have divided this book into seven chapters, providing you and your child all you need to know in order to tap into your psychic and intuitive abilities.

The first chapter discusses intuition and different psychic modalities scientists use and acknowledge. Chapter two moves from psi to neuroscience and delves into how the brain grows and develops in a child. Helping you and your child understand the rudiments of neuroscience (how the brain works) can serve as an excellent “window of opportunity” to introduce the wonders of mind and brain to your child.

Chapter three introduces ABE (acronym for Attitude, Belief, Expectancy). Our attitudes, beliefs, and expectancies provide the context in which we see and understand our world.

In the fourth chapter, I discuss simple changes in language that will affect you and your child’s success in developing intuition, psi, and applicable in other areas of life. In Chapter five, I introduce special meditation and brainwave exercises to help you access alpha (relaxed/alert) and deep theta (dream-like creative) states. You will learn how to relax and open channels to higher realms. In Chapter 6, by doing the exercises and activities I describe, you finally get to practice and perfect your own “Jedi” psychic powers. And, most important of all, you can use these exercises to teach your children to access and express their own true psychic abilities.

Chapter 7 includes exercises for exploring possibilities beyond intuitive abilities. Designed for people who wish to explore other intriguing mind-over-matter powers–such as telekinesis, bilocation, spoon bending, and even OBEs (out-of-body experiences)–these exercises will take you to new horizons. As fantastic as all this sounds, you will read stories of real people who report just these kinds of experiences.

Note: This book is not about special “indigo children” or any other “special” beings living among us. No fifth-dimensional entities, ghosts, or spirits here. Just us ordinary extraordinary folks with untapped ordinary extraordinary powers.

I wrote this book for everyone genuinely interested in learning how to develop psychic and intuitive abilities. It expresses my deepest desire to provide you with a hands-on way to learn to trust your own intuition and to give you the tools to teach your children how to access, develop, and trust their own powerful intuition.

Our Higher Self truly knows what is best for us. And so we do well when we listen to and trust this Source. You have everything within you to live a powerful, empowering, and successful life–and to teach these skills to your children.

© 2017 by Elly Molina