A Message from the Board
Welcome to our new website. We believe that we finally have a site that works properly, along with a shopping cart where people can buy your books. We are assured by the site developers that the links to all the books and authors work. They cannot guarantee that all the links to “reviews by others” will still work, but if the link worked on the other site, it should work now. If you do find a link that doesn’t work, let us know and we will have it fixed immediately.
We also want to let you know that Lauri’s daughter is out of danger. She should be leaving the hospital in about a week, and Lauri is planning to return to work on June 1, 2017.
Also, we do understand that having so many people out sick these last two weeks has made some of you concerned about your release dates. We do apologize for any inconvenience that this bout of illness has caused. Most all of our staff are back at work by today, and we assure you that we will do all that can be done to meet all the release dates. We thank you all for your patience during this trying time.
If you log onto our new site, you will see that this message is available to view in the Back Office on the message board. We are hoping to use this as a means to communicate with you all, so if you do not have an account with our website, or if your account did not transfer to the new site for some reason, an account has been created for you so that you can get important announcements. Your account will be created using the email address we have have on file, and you will receive an email with your username and password. You will want to reset your password once you log in for the first time. In the future, a notice will go out to all of you when a message is posted on the board, so that you can log in and get the message.
Lastly, some of you may have gotten emails last night from CityCorner.net asking you to validate your Black Opal Books account. This happened when when the author accounts were transferred from the old site to the new one. CityCorner.net is a BOB development site, and was used to create the new website before the site was transferred to the Black Opal Books domain name. Your accounts should not need activating, but if you have problems logging in, just let us know.